Business or Investor

How does TILMA affect my corporation?

Removing duplicative registration and reporting requirements will make it easier and more cost effective to expand your Alberta-based corporation into BC or vice versa. A corporation will no longer have to file an annual report in both jurisdictions, only the one where it is incorporated. All filing fees have been eliminated.

What advantages does this agreement provide to businesses?

Aside from ensuring more secure access to the other province, this agreement commits Alberta and BC to reconciling business reporting and registration requirements. If a business meets requirements in its home province, registration in the other province can be initiated in the home jurisdiction. A new joint registry system will be rolled out by the two provinces to streamline and integrate corporate registration for businesses in the two provinces.

When does the new registry system take affect?

April 27, 2009

Why are the existing business registration processes in each province so different from one another?

The requirements for business registration are governed by provincial legislation so each province and territory in Canada has different requirements.

Will businesses automatically be registered in the other province?

Companies will be asked upon incorporation/registration in their home province if they want to be extra-provincially registered in the other province. If the answer is yes, then the home registry will facilitate that extra-provincial incorporation/registration, as well as forward periodic updates onto the extra-provincial registry.

If I am registered in either BC or Alberta, what happens to my corporation's status when I register in the other province?

Your corporation's status in your home province will remain the same.

I have an Alberta registered corporation. Do I have to go to BC if I want to register there?

No, if your corporation is intending to conduct business in BC, you can obtain the BC registration by contacting the Alberta Corporate Registry (if your corporation is already incorporated) or a member of the private registry agent network.

I have a BC registered corporation. Do I have to go to Alberta if I want to register there?

No, if your corporation is intending to conduct business in Alberta, you can register by contacting the BC Registry Services. Staff will help you to register depending on whether you have already incorporated or not.

My corporation is based in BC or Alberta and is already extra-provincially registered in the other province. How does TILMA affect that registration?

BC or Alberta corporations that are already registered in the other province will not need to take any additional action. In addition, the requirement to file annual returns and other changes with the other corporate registry will cease when the new system in brought into effect in late April 2009. However you will need to ensure that your information, such as information on the Attorney for service in Alberta, is current. Registry staff in either province can assist.

What about existing companies that would like to do business in the other jurisdiction?

Existing companies in Alberta and BC that want to expand their operations into the other province need a few things before registering in the other province.

If the corporation wishes to extra-provincially register in British Columbia, additional information will be collected including:

  1. Name Examination Fee
  2. Attorney for Service in British Columbia
  3. Head Office Address

Alberta Corporate Registry Agent or members of the private registry agent network will help facilitate the BC Names examination and extraprovincial registration process.

If the British Columbia corporation wishes to extra-provincially register in Alberta, additional information will be collected including:

  1. An Alberta-based NUANS Report and fee
  2. Attorney for Service in Alberta
  3. Head Office Address

Staff at the BC Registry Services will help you with getting your name approved in Alberta. Once your name is approved, you can go to Corporate Online at and choose the transaction called "Register a B.C. Company in Alberta".

I can currently get information about businesses from the other province in my own province's corporate registry. Will I still be able to do that under this new Data Exchange Model?

Yes. You will still be able to search data on extra-provincial companies from within your own province's registry.

I have a sole proprietorship (also known as a trade name) in Alberta. Can I register it in BC?

Currently there are no requirements to register extraprovincially sole proprietorships or general partnerships in another jurisdiction in order to do business in another jurisdiction. However, you will still be required to obtain the necessary licences and permits as required by local governments in their jurisdictions.

Can businesses choose which province's regulations to operate under?

No. Businesses must comply with the regulations of the province in which they are operating. Regulations are only one factor in business decisions regarding location. TILMA simply makes it easier for a business to expand its operations to the second province.

Will governments still be able to control business operating conditions-things like municipal licensing and taxation, land use regulations, health and safety requirements?

Yes. TILMA does not restrict the ability of local and provincial governments in those areas. It does require governments to make sure their measures are non-discriminatory, and do not impose any more restrictions on trade, investment and labour mobility than absolutely necessary.

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A partnership between the Governments of Alberta and British Columbia
Copyright 2025 Government of BC / Government of Alberta, Canada

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